the zine

Issue No. 1
[From the author] I’m writing this quarterly zine as part of my research into magick, real magick, magick spelled with a ‘k’. As a skeptic, my goal is to explore these ideas in a way that makes sense to me, through an artistic lens, where lies are not only permissible, they’re encouraged, as long as they point to the truth. That is the ethos of Plastic Magick.
93 93/93
What the hell is this?
Above the surface, it’s a fools journey, into the outer-limits of the human mind.
Below the surface, it’s a low resolution scan of my own subconscious — a copy of a copy of a lucid dream.
4. Highway Hypgnosis
7. I Believe In Magick
16. Lucid Dreaming
21. Rick Rubin On Mentalism
24. Sigils 101
27. On Letting Go
29. Becoming The Magician
Plastic Magick means many things to the strange and unusual talent that is Matt Cooper. It might mean an altered state of consciousness, or a magic trick that becomes something real, or that everyone and everything is changeable in the dimension of imagination. But if there’s one thing we know, it’s this… FORTUNE FAVORS THE STRANGE.